Best Doctors in kudayal thiruvananthapuram (1 doctors)

Find 1 doctors in Kudayal Thiruvananthapuram. Apollo 24|7 features reputed Physicians, Urologist, Dermatologist, Gynaecologist, Paediatrician, Cardiologist & more. View doctor profiles, experience, top treated conditions & medical procedures, fees & available slots. Book appointments via Apollo 24|7 for doctors in Kudayal Thiruvananthapuram.

Dr. Bimal John, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

Dr. Bimal John

Obstetrician and Gynaecologist

12 Years • MBBS, MS, Diploma AES (France), Fellowship in IVF (Germany), FMAS

4 KM • Thiruvananthapuram

Credence Hospital and IVF Clinic, Thiruvananthapuram