
Diabetes Management

Adding Vibrant Colours to Your Plate: Diabetic-Friendly Holi Guide

2 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 21 March 2024

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As we eagerly await the vibrant Holi celebrations in 2024, why not also plan to add a splash of colour to our plates? In line with the festive spirit, adding various colours to your diet can bring about diversity in nutrition and aid in effective diabetes self-management.

Colour Your Plate for Health

Incorporating colourful fruits and vegetables into our daily diet may help manage blood sugar levels and improve overall health. Here are some expert recommendations:

Red and Orange hues:

  • Red Foods such as beets, strawberries, cherries, red bell peppers, and tomatoes are rich in antioxidants, which help combat inflammation and support overall health. Adding these to your diet can lend a red hue to your plate while providing valuable nutrients.
  • Orange Foods, including oranges, carrots, sweet potatoes, and pumpkins, are excellent sources of carotenoids. Essential nutrients from these foods help protect the body from harmful free radicals.

Diversifying with Yellow and Green

  • Yellow Foods like bananas, pineapples, yellow bell peppers, and corn offer a variety of vitamins and minerals beneficial for the body's function. Their vibrant colours will surely add an appealing touch to your meals.
  • Green Foods such as spinach, kale, broccoli, green apples, and avocados help pack your diet with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Including these in your meals adds both visual appeal and nutritional value.

Adding Blue-Purple to Your Meals

  • Blue-purple foods such as blueberries, blackberries, plums, eggplants, and purple cabbage are loaded with phytonutrients and antioxidants, which support overall health. Incorporating these into your diet can contribute a unique taste along with their striking colours.

In conclusion, adding various colours to your diet is not only visually appealing but also adds a nutritional boost to your meals. As you celebrate Holi, remember to colour your plate with diverse fruits and vegetables. This could be a fun, festive way to support your journey towards diabetes self-management.

Diabetes Management

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