Top tips to maintain a healthy skin

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Why skin health is important

The skin protects the muscles, bones, and internal organs from damage. It also regulates the body temperature by maintaining fluid balance and controlling moisture loss. Thus, it is necessary to maintain healthy skin to ensure the proper functioning of the body. Let us look at some ways that may help achieve healthy skin.

Use sunscreen to protect the skin

Studies reveal long-term exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays - UVA and UVB can make the skin age faster and damage the DNA in the skin cells, increasing the risk of skin cancer. Hence, applying a generous amount of sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, 30 minutes before stepping out in the sun, is recommended.

Treat the skin gently

Avoid aggressive harsh soaps and scrubs as they can irritate the skin. Long hot baths can make the skin dry and hence, should be avoided. Instead, use lukewarm water for bathing, followed by the application of moisturizer on the face and body. Wash your face twice a day with a non-fragrant, gentle cleanser.

Drink enough water

Hydration is key to maintaining the elasticity of the skin. Studies have shown that drinking at least 8 glasses of water every day can help in detoxification of the skin, delay the signs of ageing such as wrinkles and fine lines, and reduce acne. One can also opt for coconut water to stay hydrated.

Do not forget to moisturize

Moisturizers contain humectants that hydrate the skin and occlusive agents that retain moisture in the skin. Moisturizing the skin immediately after a bath helps in trapping the moisture inside the skin. Avoid using moisturizers or lotions with fragrance as they can irritate the skin.

Consume a nutritious diet

A nutritious diet makes the skin healthy inside out. Eat a balanced diet filled with plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Studies have shown that antioxidant-rich foods such as tomatoes, strawberries, broccoli and spinach can protect the skin against UV damage and delay the signs of ageing.

Quit smoking

Research shows smoking can cause premature ageing of the skin, delay wound healing, and increase the risk of developing skin disorders such as psoriasis and cutaneous lupus erythematosus. Smoking can also reduce the skin’s ability to produce collagen, which is responsible for strength and elasticity. Quitting smoking is advisable to maintain healthy skin.

Manage stress

Studies reveal that stress can increase the production of sebum (natural oil), which blocks the pores of the skin, resulting in acne and other skin issues such as psoriasis and atopic dermatitis (eczema). Meditation, mindfulness, yoga, and tai chi can help in managing stress effectively.

Get proper sleep

Lack of sleep can reduce the production of collagen, resulting in premature ageing of the skin. Sleeping for at least 7 to 8 hours will ensure the skin gets enough time to repair and regenerate the lost collagen.

Visit a dermatologist regularly

One must visit a dermatologist at least once every year for a complete body examination. An annual examination can help in detecting the early signs of skin diseases including skin cancer. People with a family history of skin cancer should consult their dermatologist routinely.

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