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Himalaya Liv.52 DS, 60 Tablets

Himalaya Liv.52 DS, 60 Tablets



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Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet, a dietary supplement formulated to support liver health, is a unique blend of herbs known for their hepatoprotective properties. This tablet promotes liver detoxification and enhances the overall functional efficiency of the liver.

With its natural ingredients, the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet helps maintain a healthy liver by supporting detoxification and improving digestion.

Trust in the goodness of nature to provide you with the care your liver deserves. Add Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet to your daily routine and experience the benefits of a healthy liver.


  • Herbal supplement with a unique blend of natural ingredients
  • Promotes overall liver health and functions
  • Supports the liver detoxification process
  • Protects the liver from alcohol-induced damage
  • Maintains the structure and function of liver cell membranes
  • Improves digestion and promotes weight gain

Key Benefits

  • Healthy liver: Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet promotes the overall health of the liver, ensuring its proper functioning and detoxification process.
  • Detoxification support: The combination of herbs in the Himalaya Liv.52 supplement supports the liver detoxification process. Toxins from the body are eliminated, thereby promoting a healthy liver.
  • Improved digestion: Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet aids in improving digestion by enhancing the ability of the liver to produce bile, which is essential for the breakdown and absorption of fats and nutrients.
  • Enhanced liver functions: The key ingredients in this supplement contribute to maintaining healthy liver functions. They help protect liver cells from damage and promote optimal liver performance.
  • Overall well-being: A healthy liver is crucial in maintaining overall well-being. By supporting liver health, the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet helps improve energy levels, promote better nutrient absorption and enhance overall vitality.
  • Trusted herbal formula: Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet is a product by The Himalaya Drug Company, a trusted brand known for its herbal formulations. This supplement is backed by scientific research and manufactured using high-quality ingredients to ensure safety and efficacy.
  • Convenient dosage: The recommended dosage makes incorporating Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet into the daily routine convenient.

Directions for Use

  • Take two tablets of Himalaya Liv.52 DS twice daily.
  • However, it is always advisable to consult a doctor for personalised dosage instructions. The dosage may vary depending on the individual's condition.

Safety Information

  • Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet should be taken under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Pregnant or lactating women should consult their doctor before taking this supplement.
  • Individuals with known medical conditions or under any medication should consult a doctor before using this product.
  • Please read the product label and instructions carefully before use.


Q1. Is the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet suitable for vegetarians?

  1. Yes, the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet is suitable for vegetarians as it does not contain any animal-derived ingredients.

Q2. Can I take the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet if I have liver disease?

  1. Individuals with liver diseases should consult their doctor before using this product to ensure its suitability for their specific condition.

Q3. Can I take the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet with other medications?

  1. If you are currently taking any medications, it is advisable to consult a doctor before using this product to avoid any potential interactions.

Q4. Are there any side effects of taking the Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet?

  1. Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet is generally safe when taken as directed. However, if you experience any unusual symptoms, it is recommended to discontinue use and consult a doctor.

Q5. Can Himalaya Liv.52 DS Tablet be taken by children?

  1. This supplement is generally meant for adults. It is best to consult a paediatrician for children's liver health supplements.


'Himalaya Liv.52 Tablet has greatly improved my liver health. I feel more energetic, and my digestion has improved as well.' - Sudha Jacobs, Teacher, 37

'I have been using Liv.52 Tablets for a few months and have noticed a significant improvement in my liver function tests. Highly recommended!' - Arjun Banerjee, Travel Agent, 42

'As someone with a history of liver issues, the Liv.52 Tablet uses has been a lifesaver. It has helped in detoxifying my liver and improving its overall health.'

- Meenakshi Krishnan, Interior Designer, 55

Key Ingredients

Powders: Himsra (Capparis Spinosa): 130 Mg, Kasani (Cichorium Intybus): 130 Mg, Mandur Bhasma: 66 Mg, Kakamachi (Solanum Nigrum): 64 Mg, Arjuna (Terminalia Arjuna): 64 Mg, Kasamarda (Cassia Occidentalis): 32Mg, Biranjasipha (Achillea Millefolium) 32Mg, Jhavuka (Tamarix Gallica): 32Mg, Processed In: Bhringaraja (Eclipta Alba), Bhumyaamlaki (Phyllanthus Amarus), Punarnava (Boerhaavia Diffusa), Guduchi (Tinospora Cordifolia), Daruharidra (Berberis Aristata), Mulak (Rapharius Sativus), Amalaki (Emblica Officinalis), Chitraka (Plumbago Zeylanica), Vidanga (Embelia Ribes), Haritaki (Terminalia Chebula), Parpata (Fumaria Officinalis).

Country of origin


Manufacturer/Marketer address

The Himalaya Drug Company, Makali, Tumkur Road, Bangalore 562123.
Other Info -


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