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Digestive Health

7 Natural Ways to Overcome Acidity

Acidity is a common problem. People who experience severe episodes of acid reflux more than twice a week can relieve the symptoms by making certain changes to their lifestyle and diet.

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Digestive Health

Yellow, Green, Black or Red Vomit: What It Means & What to Do?

While vomit is a definite sign that something is going wrong in your body, it is also a specimen whose colour, texture, and taste can help you identify the exact thing gone wrong.

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Digestive Health

7 Best Home Remedies To Stop Loose Motion

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Digestive Health

Is Banana Good For Loose Motion? Get Expert Advice

is banana good for loose motion banana in loose motion fruits for loose motion food to stop loose motion

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Digestive Health

Probiotics Vs Prebiotics: Which Is The Better Food For Your Gut?

Probiotics and prebiotics play a key role in maintaining and improving gut health. Read to know the benefits of these gut foods in detail.

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Digestive Health

Gallbladder Stones: Know The Symptoms, Causes And Treatment

Gallstones are small stones that develop in the gallbladder. These come in varying sizes. Treatment is necessary as they can block ducts, cause severe pain or lead to other severe symptoms.


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Digestive Health

Most Googled Questions On Constipation Answered By An Apollo Expert

Constipation can either be the result of your lifestyle habits or a sign of an underlying condition. Read on to know the answers to some of your constipation-related queries.

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Digestive Health

Farting: Is It Beneficial?

Flatulence refers to the release of excessive gas from the stomach and intestines. It is your body signalling the optimal absorption of nutrients within your digestive system. Having said that, farts that smell nasty indicate digestive issues.

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Digestive Health

Suffering Frequent Acidic Burps? Get Checked For These Digestive issues

Read to know the possible reasons behind frequent acidic burping and the ways to deal with it.

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Digestive Health

Constipation: 5 Common Causes That One Should Know About

Constipation is a common problem that can affect people of any age. While most constipation cases are mild and can be easily addressed with exercise and diet changes, some may require medical treatments.