
Orthopedic Conditions

Heat Therapy to Swimming: 4 Best Home Remedies for Knee Pain

6 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 30 January 2023, Updated on - 15 November 2023

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Our knees are particularly vulnerable joints because they support our body weight. And since they are constantly under strain from activities like bending, kneeling, squatting, jogging, or even walking, knee pain remains an extremely common complaint.

While at times this pain may be a result of a direct injury, at others, it could simply be because of overuse, weak bones, excessive weight, or serious lifestyle disorders. Read on as we discuss some of the probable causes, peculiar symptoms, and some time-tested home remedies to alleviate knee pain.

Causes of Knee Pain: Non-Medical and Medical

Causes for knee pain include both medical (disease or disorder-specific) and non-medical (lifestyle-related) reasons. Some of the top examples are as follows-:

Non-Medical Causes

Medical Causes



Poor posture


Ill-fitting shoes

Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)



Non-Medical Reasons

1. Overuse

This is common among people who participate in long-duration sports and activities such as running, cycling, and stair climbing, all of which put the knee through repeated stress.

Remedy: Take a break of at least 5-10 minutes in between every 30 minutes of your strenuous activity. Couple this with slight stretches or see if you can place your leg on a slightly inclined surface. This should help reduce the consistent strain while facilitating good blood circulation.

2. Poor Posture

Slouched back, sudden jerks, or sitting continuously for 6-8 hours are a few of the top examples of poor posture. Such measures then cause improper balance, excessive strain, poor gait, and pulsating pain in and around the knee joint and calf muscles.

Remedy: Consciously work towards an upright posture while avoiding sitting on low-floor furniture and couches that you might have to ‘sink’ into. Additionally, take short breaks every 60 minutes and practice a brisk walk. This shall particularly break the monotony while aiding blood circulation.

3. Ill-Fitting Shoes

Ill-supported and ill-fitting shoes, high heels, or flip flops are particularly infamous for collapsed arches, poor gait, and knee pain. They are also known to cause twisted knees, tendon strains and misalignments in the sitting and walking structure.

Remedy: Limit flip flops or high heels to only once a week and switch to well-supported shoes for everyday tasks. In case your job or lifestyle requires you to wear shoes for exceptionally long hours, see that you soak your feet in lukewarm warm water for at least 15 minutes every night before sleeping. This should help you unwind better while taking away the extra heat and everyday strain on your legs and feet.

4. Injury

At times, the pain could be a result of a direct hit to the knee or a flat fall. This is particularly common in accidents or contact sports such as cricket, basketball, football, or hockey.

First Aid: Immediately rest your joint and elevate the injured leg. In case the joint feels warm, apply ice packs. If the joint is cold, apply heat. Arrange to consult sports orthopaedic immediately.

Medical Reasons

1. Obesity

Obesity remains one of the top causes of knee pain worldwide. This is essential because of the extra body weight that now needs to be balanced on the knees while walking, sitting, jogging, or even standing. As a result, knee pain and swelling become an everyday pain point in people with extra weight.

Associated Symptoms: Increased body weight, large waist, fatigue, sleep apnea, Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and more. 

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2. Arthritis

The second biggest churner is arthritis. It marks inflammation, consistent pain, and most importantly- stiffness and immobility. The knee can be affected by a number of different kinds of arthritis, including psoriatic arthritis, osteoarthritis, gout, and rheumatoid arthritis.

Associated Symptoms: Joint pain, stiffness, swelling, weakness, redness or warmth around the joint, limited range of motion, and more.

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3. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome (PFPS)

PFPS is another marked cause of knee pain. This ailment causes knee cap and thigh bone pain. Overuse or repetitive movements like jogging, cycling, or stair climbing can be a few of the probable causes.

Associated Symptoms: Pain in the front of the knee, a popping or cracking sensation, stiffness and swelling in the knee, and more.

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4. Tendinitis

It is the inflammation of tendons (fibrous tissue) that connect muscles to bones. During knee tendinitis, a person experiences discomfort due to inflammation in the tendons that attach the kneecap to the shin bone.

Associated Symptoms: Cracking sounds, swelling, weakness, limited range of motion, joint pain, and more.

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💡 Did You Know?

Weight maintenance, knee support exercises, and frequent breaks from activities that place repetitive stress on the knee can effectively prevent knee pain.

Knee Pain Treatment At Home

Following are some of the first aid options and remedies you can try at home to treat mild-moderate knee pain. However, in case the following methods do not help, or the symptoms turn worse, consult your physician at the earliest. You might need detailed screening and cause-specific medications.

1. Heat Therapy

Knee pain from arthritis or tendinitis can be alleviated with the use of heat therapy. Because heat increases blood flow to the injured area, it can speed healing, lessen pain, and loosen stiff muscles.

For 15-20 minutes, heat the area using a heating pad or hot water bottle. A paraffin wax bath can also be used to alleviate severe discomfort.

According to Dr Kaushik Reddy, an orthopaedic doctor associated with Apollo 24|7, “ heat therapy helps to loosen the tight muscles and joint, thus relieving knee pain and muscle spasm.”

2. Stretching

Stretching can certainly reduce knee pain by breaking open the pain knots, increasing blood flow, strengthening muscles, increasing flexibility, and decreasing muscular imbalances. While doing so, you should particularly focus on stretching the muscles in the front and rear of your thighs.

3. Exercise

Swimming and cycling are two examples of low-impact exercises that can help strengthen the muscles around the knee, which in turn can help minimise knee discomfort.

Swimming is a great way to maintain fitness and enhance mobility when dealing with knee discomfort because it reduces the impact on the knees. Your painful knee will feel lesser pressured thanks to the buoyancy of the water.

4. Over-the-counter Pain Medication

Ibuprofen and naproxen are a few examples of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs), which are known for their ability to alleviate pain and inflammation. However, in case you find yourself dependent on either or both for more than 2 days, consult your physician immediately. You might need expert screening and treatment.

As per Dr Kaushik Reddy, “Over the counter topical pain relief gels which include Capsaicin, Salicylates or Lidocaine/NSAID gels can help reduce knee pain."

Takeaways | When to See a Doctor?

If you are experiencing knee pain, you should make an appointment with an orthopaedic specialist as soon as possible so that they can assist you in determining the underlying cause of your symptoms and recommend appropriate treatment options. This is especially important if you develop severe symptoms such as:

  • Severe pain and swelling that lasts for days
  • Severe bruising
  • Difficulty walking
  • Warmth in your joints
  • Fever (a sign of infection)
  • Redness around the knee

Talk to Apollo’s leading orthopaedic today if you have any concerns about knee pain.

Consult Dr Kaushik Reddy Today

Orthopedic Conditions

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