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Orthopedic Conditions

Try These Yoga Asanas To Strengthen Your Back

For people of all ages, yoga has positive effects on both physical and mental health. Yoga can also become a crucial component of your treatment and possibly speed up recovery if you're battling an illness, recuperating from surgery, or dealing with a chronic disease.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Neck Rotation To Shoulder Shrugs, 7 Effective Exercises For Neck Pain Relief

Neck pain exercises are meant to alleviate pain and discomfort in the neck and shoulder area. These exercises can improve flexibility and strength of the neck and shoulder muscles, thereby, preventing future neck pain.

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Orthopedic Conditions

What Happens If You Keep Cracking Your Knuckles Too Much?

While you might crack your knuckles when you're anxious, your hand might start to feel the effects of all that knuckle-cracking. How? This blog covers everything you need to know about knuckle cracking.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Could a Slipped Disc Be Causing That Sudden Back Pain?

A slipped disc occurs when a soft cushion of tissue between the bones in the spine pushes out, causing discomfort and pain.

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Orthopedic Conditions

5 Best Massage Oils: Natural Joint Pain Healers

Experiencing joint pain? A massage with any of these 5 crucial joint pain oils can do wonders to quickly ease joint pain, swelling, and tension.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Love Wearing High Heels? It Can Lead To These Health Problems

While all women love to wear high heels, it brings along a number of health problems. Read to know more.


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Orthopedic Conditions

Heat Therapy to Swimming: 4 Best Home Remedies for Knee Pain

Inflammation, swelling, and pulsating pain in and around the knees are a few of the most common symptoms of knee pain. Read on as we compile the various causes and their effective home-based treatments and lifestyle changes.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA): Symptoms, Risk Factors, Diagnosis, Treatment & Complications

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease that causes joint pain, swelling, and stiffness. Discover the symptoms, risk factors, diagnostic methods, and potential complications associated with RA for effective management of the chronic health condition.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Importance of Bone Mineral Density Test

Learn about the importance of bone mineral density tests in assessing bone health and diagnosing conditions like osteoporosis. Get updated on the latest guidelines, technologies, and lifestyle factors for maintaining strong bones.

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Orthopedic Conditions

Sharp pain in the heel? These could be the reasons!

Heel pain can occur due to stress or injury. However, it can be treated easily with the help of medical appliances, comfortable footwear, physical therapy, and medication.