

Why Should Everyone Have Health Insurance?

3 min read

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As medical advancements are rapidly evolving, having health insurance is no longer a luxury but a necessity. Even if you’re following a healthy lifestyle, the risk of diseases and common illnesses can never be eliminated. No one knows when one might fall sick or have an accident, creating the need for expensive treatments or medications. This is the reason why the importance of health insurance cannot be overstated in ensuring financial security. Read on to learn about the advantages of health insurance and why you need it.

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Why is Health Insurance Essential?

Health insurance is crucial to ensure access to quality healthcare for you and your loved ones. Here are some common benefits of health insurance policies:

1. Changing Lifestyle

In recent years, people have become prone to a variety of health problems due to lifestyle changes. Everything from long commutes and hectic work hours to unhealthy eating habits and rising air pollution levels have been increasing our risk for several health conditions.Understanding health insurance benefits can help mitigate the financial impact of these lifestyle-induced health issues.

2. Growing Medical Costs

The rising healthcare costs are a matter of sheer concern. Which is why unexpected medical emergency costs can lead to a huge financial burden, making health insurance all the more important.

3. Safeguarding Loved Ones

Most health insurance plans allow you to secure your entire family together rather than buying separate policies for every member. This feature enables you to safeguard your parents, who might be getting more prone to developing health problems with increasing age. Moreover, you can add your partner and kids to the plan to make sure their treatment is covered if ever the need arises.

4. Protecting Your Savings

AnIn addition to causing stress, an unforeseen injury or illness can also lead to huge expenses, which can put quite a dent in your savings. Purchasing a health insurance policy helps in managing any medical expenditure without you having to worry about your savings.

Benefits of Health Insurance Plans

The above-mentioned reasons are enough to emphasise the importance of health insurance plans for every individual. As a bonus, these plans also provide policyholders with a plethora of health insurance benefits. These include:

1. Broad Coverage

Health insurance doesn't only cover hospitalisation costs but also covers pre- and post-hospitalisation charges like outpatient expenses and the costs of diagnostic tests. You can also get additional benefits like coverage of daycare surgeries, ambulance rides, vaccination expenses, and health check-ups.

2. High Cover at Affordable Premiums

Most health insurance policies offer a high coverage amount at comparatively lower premiums. This helps you save lots of money and stay worry-free even in case of expensive treatment.

3. No-claims Bonus

In addition to serving as a cost-effective way of managing medical expenses, health insurance also offers bonuses to policyholders every year if they go without filing any claims. So, you don't have to worry about wasting premium money in case there are no claims.

4. Tax Benefits

Tax benefits are one of the advantages of health insurance. Policyholders can claim deductions of up to Rs 25,000 every year on their taxable income on the premiums paid. They can also avail these tax benefits if they pay the premium for a health insurance plan for their parents.

5. Rider Options

There are lots of rider options available that you can attach to your health insurance plan for additional benefits. Some of the commonly offered riders include a critical illness rider and an accidental death benefit. So, you can get a suitable rider to expand your coverage in a way that caters to your needs.


A health insurance policy is vital in today’s fast-paced lifestyle. From financial security to preventive checkups to critical illness support, health insurance benefits are plenty. It is a great way of protecting yourself and your family from any foreseen or unforeseen medical expenses that can affect your financial stability.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of having health insurance?

Health insurance provides financial protection against high medical costs, coverage for preventive services, access to a wide network of healthcare providers, and peace of mind knowing that you are protected in case of a medical emergency.

Selecting the right health insurance plan involves evaluating your healthcare needs, budget, preferred hospitals and doctors, and the coverage options available. Consider factors like premium costs, deductibles, co-payments, and the extent of coverage for various medical services.

It is advisable to buy health insurance as early as possible. Younger individuals typically benefit from lower premiums and fewer health screenings, making it easier and more affordable to secure comprehensive coverage.

Coverage for pre-existing conditions varies by policy. Some health insurance plans may include a waiting period before covering pre-existing conditions, while others might not cover them at all. It's important to review the terms of your policy to understand the specifics.

Yes, individuals with chronic illnesses can still obtain health insurance. While premiums might be higher and there may be waiting periods for coverage of pre-existing conditions, many insurers offer plans tailored to individuals with ongoing health needs. 

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