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Heart Conditions

The Causes Behind Reduced Blood Flow in the Heart

Heart blockage is a severe condition characterized by a blockage in the blood vessels that supply the heart. It significantly reduces blood flow to the heart and raises the possibility of severe heart problems. The most common symptoms include breathlessness and chest pain.

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Heart Conditions

What is the TMT Test?

The TMT (Treadmill Test) is indispensable for evaluating heart health under stress, offering critical insights into cardiovascular function during physical exertion. TMT test for heart helps diagnose conditions such as Coronary Artery Disease early, determine exercise capacity, and tailor personalised treatment plans to improve heart health.

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Heart Conditions

Signs and symptoms for Coronary Artery Disease

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Heart Conditions

7-Day Diet to Lower Triglycerides Naturally

how to lower triglycerides naturally, 7 day diet to lower triglycerides, how to lower triglycerides through diet, foods to avoid for high triglycerides, diet to reduce triglycerides

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Heart Conditions

First Aid For Heart Attack

A heart attack can be a scary situation. Know the signs, symptoms, causes, risk factors, and rehabilitation measures for a heart attack. Learn important first-aid techniques to manage a heart attack.

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Heart Conditions

Uncovering the causes of Coronary Artery Disease


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Heart Conditions

Warning signs and symptoms of heart diseases in Men

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Heart Conditions

Exercises Heart Patients Must Avoid!

Too much exercise can adversely impact heart health, especially in those who have already been diagnosed with a heart condition. Know more about the best exercises for heart patients.

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Heart Conditions

Alcohol & Heart Health: How Much is Safe to Drink?

Excessive consumption of alcohol is associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart failure, stroke and other complications.

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Heart Conditions

Can Intense Exercises Lead To A Heart Attack?

Exercises benefit our health, but anything in excess is harmful. If you're worried about exercising too much can cause a heart attack, here are some signs to look out for and ways to stay safe. Always listen to your body and make sure you're staying hydrated. If you have any concerns, speak with your doctor.