
Diabetes Management

Diabetes and Cardiovascular Health: Reducing Risks

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You most likely do not know this, but controlling your diabetes can have a direct effect on your heart health. Because of their close relationship, controlling one will help control the other.

Understand the Relationship

Diabetes increases the risk of cardiovascular events such as strokes, in addition to other cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). High blood sugar harms blood vessels, causing chronic inflammation and stiffening of the arteries. Consequently, good diabetes management can help reduce the risk of CVDs.

Steps to Lower Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetic Individuals

Effective diabetes management not only controls blood sugar but also reduces heart disease risks. Here are steps that can help lower cardiovascular risk in diabetic individuals:

  • Regular Health Checks: Regular check-ups help you monitor your diabetes and heart health and detect irregularities on time.
  • Control Blood Glucose: Monitoring and maintaining your glucose levels within the recommended range will help you reduce the risks of heart disease.
  • Maintain a Healthy Diet: A balanced diet rich in fibre, whole grains, and lean proteins will help regulate blood sugar while promoting heart health.
  • Stay Active: Physical activity aids in controlling blood sugar levels, reducing high blood pressure, and managing weight, all conspirators for CVDs.
  • Quit Smoking: Smoking increases the risk of CVDs, especially in people with diabetes. Quitting smoking aids both diabetes and cardiovascular management.

Using Technology for Diabetes Management

Making use of a diabetes management tool can make your journey smoother. Logging your daily meals, tracking glucose levels, and analysing patterns can all assist in effectively controlling your diabetes, thus reducing CVD risks.

Living with a chronic condition like diabetes may seem overwhelming; however, remember that managing your health is within your control. Regular doctor visits, good lifestyle choices, efficient use of technology for tracking your health, and having a positive mindset all contribute towards keeping both diabetes and CVD risks at bay.

Diabetes Management

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