
Diabetes Management

Winning Over Diabetes: Effective Calorie Counting and Sugar Craving Control

2 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 28 February 2024

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India, as one of the countries with the highest prevalence of diabetes, is witnessing an urgent need for effective self-management of this condition. The key to this lies in understanding the role of calories and sugar cravings in managing diabetes.

Effective Calorie Counting Techniques

Effective calorie counting can serve as a valuable tool in managing your blood glucose levels. Here's how to do it:

  • Understand Food Labels: Paying attention to food labels is important. Focus on 'total carbohydrates', not just sugars. This includes all types of carbs that affect your blood glucose levels.
  • Measure Portions Accurately: Use household utensils measuring spoons or cups or digital scales to measure food portions accurately. This helps in keeping a check on your carb intake.
  • Consistent Tracking: Keeping track of your carbohydrate consumption throughout the day is crucial. Using a carb-counting app can help.
  • Consultation and Education: Engage with a healthcare professional or use educational resources to learn proper carb-counting techniques.

Tackling Sugar Cravings

Sugar cravings can make diabetes management challenging. Here are some strategies to help control them:

  • Include Protein-rich Foods: Lean meats, fish, eggs, dairy, legumes, and nuts are all protein-rich foods that can help manage sugar cravings.
  • Use Natural Sweeteners: Consider using zero-calorie sweeteners such as monk fruit. However, research on these alternatives is ongoing.
  • Avoid Artificial Sweeteners: These may disrupt gut bacteria and worsen blood sugar control like aspartame and sucralose.
  • Plan Healthy Snacks: Planning ahead can prevent impulsive decisions that may disrupt your diet plan.
  • Hydrate: Drinking plenty of water can help. Opt for unsweetened beverages or freshly squeezed juices at home.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Learn to identify potential triggers for sugar cravings.
  • Seek Support: It's okay to seek help when needed. Support from family, friends, or professionals like nutritionists, dietitians, and doctors can be helpful.

Remember, managing diabetes is a journey, not a destination. It's about finding what works best for you and staying consistent with it.

Diabetes Management

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