
Diabetes Management

Unmasking Hidden Sugars: Your Guide to Smart Portion Control and Food Label Reading

1 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 28 February 2024

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With about 134 million diabetic adults expected in India by 2045, effective management of this condition necessitates conscientious attention to what you eat, how much you eat, and understanding what's in the food you consume. This approach not only helps diabetics in managing their blood sugar levels but also aids in the prevention of diabetes for non or pre-diabetics.

Understanding Portion Control and Its Benefits

Portion control means consuming a balanced amount of all food groups in your meal. It allows you to keep a check on your daily calorie intake. For diabetics, it aids in maintaining stable blood sugar levels by preventing overeating or under-eating.

Deciphering Food Labels

Food labels can be a treasure trove of information if understood correctly. They provide crucial details about nutritional content, serving size, calories, and sugar content. However, pay attention to terms like 'dextrose', 'maltose', or 'syrup' - these are different aliases used for sugars added to processed foods.

Reading between the lines: Hidden Sugars

Hidden sugars can lurk in unexpected places like bread, sauces, or even health drinks. Consuming such foods can unknowingly increase your sugar intake and affect blood glucose control. To mitigate this risk, consider the following tips:

  • Monitor your daily sugar intake; an adult should ideally consume no more than 25g (women) or 36g (men) of added sugars per day.
  • Learn to identify different names for sugar on food labels.
  • Prioritize whole foods over processed ones as they contain natural sugars and are packed with essential nutrients.

In conclusion, understanding portion control and learning to read food labels are vital strategies in managing diabetes. They encourage mindful eating, assist in monitoring sugar intake, and ultimately lead to better health outcomes.

Diabetes Management

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