
Diabetes Management

Taming Your Blood Sugar: Aerobic or Resistance Exercise?

1 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 23 February 2024

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In 2023, a government study revealed that 11% of the Indian population is diabetic. Managing blood sugar levels is a lifelong commitment that requires consistent efforts. Physical activity plays a major role in this process. The two types of exercises - aerobic and resistance - and how they influence your blood sugar levels are crucial.

Aerobic Exercises and Blood Sugar

Aerobic exercises include brisk walking, jogging, swimming, and cycling. These activities can cause blood glucose levels to drop during the activity due to increased glucose uptake by muscles for energy. Furthermore, glucose levels may remain lower for up to 24 hours following the workout. So, incorporating a brisk walk every day or swimming sessions a few times a week can help manage your blood sugar effectively.

Resistance Exercises and Blood Sugar

Resistance exercises include activities like weightlifting, calisthenics, and bodyweight movements. Unlike aerobic exercises, they do not cause a significant decline in blood glucose during the activity. However, resistance exercise can lead to more sustained glucose stabilization over time, possibly reducing the risk of hypoglycemia and improving overall glycemic control. This makes such exercises a vital part of your diabetes management program.

Balancing Aerobic and Resistance Exercises

While aerobic and resistance exercises offer benefits for managing blood sugar levels, they differ in their impact on glucose levels and stability. Combining both types of exercise is often recommended for optimal health outcomes. Therefore, setting up an exercise routine that includes aerobic and resistance training could improve diabetes control.

Diabetes Management

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