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COVID-19 Vaccines

How is the COVID-19 vaccine development being accelerated?

Considering the timelines of prior vaccines developed for other diseases, the COVID-19 vaccine research is progressing at an unprecedented pace.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

Can a Booster Dose Protect Against Omicron?

India has approved booster doses for certain groups because of the rise in Omicron cases. The article explains the benefits of the booster dose against the variant.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID Vaccines Approved For Children: All You Need To Know

Read here to know the vaccines that have been approved by the Indian government for vaccinating kids below the age of 18.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

Top things you should know about Corbevax: The COVID-19 Vaccine for kids

Corbevax is a safe and effective COVID-19 vaccine that can be administered to kids in the age group of 12 to 14 years to protect them against the contagious coronavirus.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

Mixing Vaccines Could Boost Efficacy, Research Indicates

While both Covaxin and Covishield have proven their efficacy individually, a recent study has shown that the mix of both vaccines could be more effective against COVID-19 infection.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

The Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine

While the vast majority of our country is waiting eagerly in anticipation of getting a vaccine, there are a few who are either unwilling or unsure about getting vaccinated.


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COVID-19 Vaccines

How COVID-19 Vaccination Drives are Expected to be Organized

Once a vaccine is approved, the next big challenge will be to ensure effective vaccine distribution and delivery.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 Vaccines: All the recent stories (17-Sep-21)

According to the latest data, India has administered more than 77. 24 crore doses of COVID-19 vaccines to its adult population.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

ZyCoV-D: The world’s first DNA plasmid-based COVID-19 vaccine

ZyCoV-D is the sixth vaccine to be approved in India and the only one to be approved for adolescents in the 12 to 18 years age group.

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COVID-19 Vaccines

COVID-19 mRNA vaccines and heart inflammation events

Experts say that mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are safe. According to CDC data, the risk of heart inflammation after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination is extremely small.