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Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan

Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan


31+ years experience

MBBS, MS(Ortho) | Bone And Fracture Clinic

About Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan

  • Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan is a Orthopaedician with 31 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with Bone And Fracture Clinic in New Delhi. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan holds MBBS, MS(Ortho). He can treat a wide range of Orthopaedics conditions like Achilles Tendon Rupture, Ankle Sprain, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and more. He speaks English, Hindi.
  • Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan has over 31 years of experience as a Orthopaedician at Bone And Fracture Clinic.

Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan, an esteemed Orthopaedics specialist with over 31 years of experience, practices at Bone And Fracture Clinic in New Delhi. Dr. Dargan, having completed his MBBS and MS(Ortho), provides a comprehensive range of services to address various Orthopaedics conditions. Dr. Dargan's expertise encompasses a wide array of Orthopaedics conditions, including Achilles Tendon Rupture, Ankle Sprain, Achondroplasia, Amputee Care, Ankle Brachial Index, Ankle Pain, Ankylosing Spondylitis Treatment, Anti Doping Counselling In Sports, Arm Pain, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Foot Drop, Hip Pain, Knee Pain, Kyphosis, Spina Bifida, Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Toe walking in children, Golfer's Elbow, Pelvic Exenteration, Pelvic Scan, Pelvis Fracture Treatment Management, Periarthritis Shoulder, Phantom Limb Pain, Partial Prosthesis, Plantar Fasciitis, Hamstring Strain, Sports Injury, Hand And Wrist Injuries, Hand Fracture, Hand Pain, Popliteal Bursitis, Heel Pain, Mucopolysaccharidosis, Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia, Sports Injury Evaluation And Rehabilitation, Sports Injury Prevention, Sports Injury Treatment Management, Sports Medicine, Sports Nutrition, Herniated Disc, Regenerative Therapy For Joints, Reflexology, Hip Resurfacing, Synovial Sarcoma, Rotator Cuff Injury Treatment, Rib Fracture, Joint And Muscle Problems, Joint Pain, Joints And Musculoskeletal Disorders, Runner's Knee, Sacroiliac Joint Pain, Knee Dislocation, Knee Injuries, Tailbone Pain Treatment, Knee Problems, Kneecap Dislocation, Kneecap Pain, Taping, Sciatica Pain Treatment, Lateral Epicondyle Release Tennis Elbow, Leg Fracture, Leg Length Inequality, Legg Calves Perthes Disease, Limping Child, Shin Bone Pain, Shoulder Impingement, Shoulder Injuries, Shoulder Pain, Shoulder Slap Tear Lesions, Orthopedic Consultation, Orthotic Test, Orthotist, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthritis Of The Knee, Osteoarthritis Treatment, Osteogenesis Imperfecta, Osteopathic Treatment, Osteoporosis Treatment, Meniscus Injury, Meniscus Tear, Tendon Injury, Tendonitis, Tenosynovitis, Wrist Problems, Skeletal Dysplasias, Skeletal Muscle Therapy, Specialized Prosthesis, Arthritis And Pain Management, Arthritis And Pain Management Treatment, Arthritis Management, Arthritis Treatment, Arthrogryposis, Articular Degenerative Disease Treatment, Articular Pain Treatment, Bone Trauma, Bone Spur, Bone Loss Management, Bone Fracture, Back Pain Treatment, Treatment For Arthritis, Treatment For Back Ache, Treatment For Calcaneal Spur, Treatment For Cervical Spondylitis, Treatment For Knee Joint Pain Non-Surgical, Treatment For Osteoarthritis, Treatment For Pain Aches, Treatment For Rheumatoid Arthritis, Treatment For Spine Problem, Treatment Of Spondylosis, Upper Back Pain, Friedreich Ataxia, Foot Pain, Foot Care, Flat Foot Issue, Finger Pain, Fibrosarcoma, Facet Problems, Facet Joint Problems, Facet Arthropathy, Elbow Pain, Elbow Injury, Disk Slip, Disc Prolapse, Degenerative Joint Disease, Deformity, De Quervain's Tenosynovitis Treatment, Congenital Vertical Talus, Coccydynia Tailbone Pain, Chronic Joint Pain Treatment, Chondromalacia, Cervical Spondylosis, Calf Strains, Buttock Pain, Strains And Sprains, Strains, Stiff Elbow. 

If you're in need of a (Specialist name) in your area, Dr. Suresh Kumar Dargan could be an excellent choice for personalized and top-notch medical attention.

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DMC 23072


How can I take an appointment with Dr Suresh Dargan ?

To book an online appointment with Dr Suresh Dargan, you can visit the app/website of Apollo 24/7, search for Dr Suresh Dargan name, and click on the ‘Consult’ button. Once you make the payment and confirm the consultation, your online appointment will be booked for the chosen appointment time.

Where does Dr Suresh Dargan practice?

Dr Suresh Dargan offers online consultations on our web platform Apollo 24/7 and Apollo 24/7 App. Also, available for physical consultations at the following locations:

Bone And Fracture Clinic,New Delhi

What is the educational qualification of Dr Suresh Dargan ?

Dr Suresh Dargan is a Orthopaedician with over 31 Yrs. years of experience and has the following qualifications -MBBS, MS(Ortho)

What languages can Dr Suresh Dargan speak?

Dr Suresh Dargan can speak English, Hindi.

Why do patients visit Dr Suresh Dargan?

Patients visit Dr Suresh Dargan for Orthopaedics related problems. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Apollo 24|7.