Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala
•2+ years experience
About Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala
- •Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala is a Dentist with 2 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with ISHA DENTAL CLINIC in Hyderabad. Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala holds BDS. He speaks English, Hindi, Telugu.
- •Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala has over 2 years of experience as a Dentist at ISHA DENTAL CLINIC.
Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala is a highly esteemed dentist with extensive experience, practicing at ISHA DENTAL CLINIC in Hyderabad. Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala has successfully completed his dental education. He offers a comprehensive range of services to address various dental conditions including abnormal tooth color, abnormally shaped teeth, amelogenesis, leukocyte adhesion deficiency, pediatric chest conditions, brachydactyly, bleeding gums and their treatment, dental abrasion, general dental checkups, dental cavities and caries, dental calculus, crowded and crooked teeth, conservative dentistry, chipped tooth treatment, cavities management, bruxism, porencephaly, missing teeth issues, mouth bleeding, porcelain fused to metal dental crowns and veneers, mucogingival surgery, stained teeth treatment, restoration aesthetics, swollen gums, jaw ache, jaw joint clicking and lock, management of rotten teeth, jaw orthopedics, knocked-out tooth emergencies, loose teeth, orthodontic treatments including overbite and underbite correction, management of teeth sensitivity to hot and cold, wisdom teeth issues, widely spaced teeth conditions, treatment of tetracycline stains, tooth decay, discoloration, infection, erosion, loss, and sensitivity, tooth whitening procedures, toothache management and remedies, as well as general dentistry services including facet dental treatment, diastema closure, management of dental tartar and plaque, dental prophylaxis, dental contact lens application, and treatment of dental problems including childhood bone and soft tissue tumors. Dr. Sai Vamsi Palakayala is committed to providing excellent dental care to his patients.
If you're in need of a dentist in your area, Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala could be an excellent choice for personalized and top-notch medical attention.
Education & Work Experience
How can I take an appointment with Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala ?
To book an online appointment with Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala, you can visit the app/website of Apollo 24/7, search for Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala name, and click on the ‘Consult’ button. Once you make the payment and confirm the consultation, your online appointment will be booked for the chosen appointment time.
Where does Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala practice?
Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala offers online consultations on our web platform Apollo 24/7 and Apollo 24/7 App. Also, available for physical consultations at the following locations:
What is the educational qualification of Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala ?
Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala is a Dentist with over 2 Yrs. years of experience and has the following qualifications -BDS
What languages can Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala speak?
Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala can speak English, Hindi, Telugu.
Why do patients visit Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala?
Patients visit Dr Sai Vamsi Palakayala for Dentist related problems. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Apollo 24|7.
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