Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam
•14+ years experience
About Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam
- •Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam is a Orthopaedician with 14 Years of Experience. He is affiliated with ASHIRWAD HOSPITAL in Beed. Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam holds MBBS,DORTHO. He speaks English, Hindi, Marathi.
- •Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam has over 14 years of experience as a Orthopaedician at ASHIRWAD HOSPITAL.
Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam is a highly respected Orthopedic specialist based in Beed, practicing at ASHIRWAD HOSPITAL. With extensive experience, Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam offers a comprehensive range of services to address various orthopedic conditions. These include Achilles Tendon Rupture, Ankle Sprain, Bursitis, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and more. Whether it's treating hip pain, knee issues, or spinal conditions like Spina Bifida and Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadam provides expert care. Patients can trust in his expertise for conditions ranging from common injuries to complex musculoskeletal disorders. Schedule an appointment today for specialized orthopedic care tailored to individual needs.
If you're in need of a Orthopedic in your area, Dr. Santosh Bandu Kadamcould be an excellent choice for personalized and top-notch medical attention.
Education & Work Experience
MMC NO-2009/10/3469
How can I take an appointment with Dr Santosh Kadam ?
To book an online appointment with Dr Santosh Kadam, you can visit the app/website of Apollo 24/7, search for Dr Santosh Kadam name, and click on the ‘Consult’ button. Once you make the payment and confirm the consultation, your online appointment will be booked for the chosen appointment time.
Where does Dr Santosh Kadam practice?
Dr Santosh Kadam offers online consultations on our web platform Apollo 24/7 and Apollo 24/7 App. Also, available for physical consultations at the following locations:
What is the educational qualification of Dr Santosh Kadam ?
Dr Santosh Kadam is a Orthopaedician with over 14 Yrs. years of experience and has the following qualifications -MBBS,DORTHO
What languages can Dr Santosh Kadam speak?
Dr Santosh Kadam can speak English, Hindi, Marathi.
Why do patients visit Dr Santosh Kadam?
Patients visit Dr Santosh Kadam for Orthopaedics related problems. To see more reasons visit the doctor's profile on Apollo 24|7.
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Top Specialties
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